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Fat dissolving injections are injections that can be used to reduce the amount of fat in a particular area of the body. These include the chin, arms, legs and abdomen. 


They works by breaking down fat cells using a chemical called deoxycholic acid. At Norwich Aesthetics Clinic, we us Celluform, Celluform Plus and Aqualyx depending on which are of the body is being treated. 


Treatment courses range from 2-6 depending on area. If you would like to find out more about our fat dissolving injection, you can book a free video consultation with our aesthetics doctor here.

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Before & after following treatment treatment with Celluform Plus


Treatment of double, chin as seen above, requires 2 sessions. The cost of 2 sessions is £795. 


Body contouring, as seen below, are quoted individually depending on the recommended amount of sessions and dissolving agent required. Prices 

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